Tuesday, February 28, 2012

6 Years Ago....

A boy drove over 7hrs and through 4 states to meet me and take me out on a date. No we are not an E-Harmony couple...it's just the way our story went.
I have a hard time being motivated to update this blog but this anniversary is worth writing about and well... I better write when the desire is there.
6 years ago I was really good at blogging (believe it or not)- for any of you who remember the good ole "Xanga" days! This is where I kept up with lots of friends- but mostly where I wrote about who I was, who I wanted to be, who God was, and what He was doing in me. My best guy friend Andy had a xanga blog as well and I am glad he did; #1 because he was always encouraging to me and #2 because his blog was where Jason found me.
The story goes likes this...
Jason saw a comment I made on Andy's blog one day and he'll tell you that he found my picture attractive so he clicked on it and it brought him to my blog. He did a little research and apparently became interested because the next thing I knew, the boy was leaving comments left and right on my blog. I of course did my own research and read through his blog posts- and quickly discovered this guy knew his Bible and even more attractive- he seemed to know the God of the Bible -very intimately. But he was over 7 hours away from me, and honestly I pondered the possibility that this guy may be a psycho- or at least that he may just "look better on paper" than in real life. =)
So I asked Andy about him after Jason started stalking me. Andy responded that he knew him from college (before he transfered to WBC, where I was), and that he was a great guy. To say Andy's opinion of a "great guy" meant ALOT to me is an understatement. So I decided not to call the police on my stalker yet and let things happen as they may...
Eventually Jason got my email and after several days of writing back and forth, he asked for my number and we began lots of long talks on the phone at the end of most days. This boy was COUNTRY! His username was "fromcrowville"- where the heck was Crowville!!?? So he was country.... and he was soo many other things as well.
I quickly began to look forward to our nightly phone calls. I had no idea at first that this would ever go anywhere- but I had never enjoyed talking to anyone as much as I had him and so I began to pray for him- and for us. Within a couple weeks he asked if he could drive up, meet me and take me out on a date. This would mean he would drive almost 8hrs and through 4 states which also meant he would probably need to stay a couple days and actually make a trip out of it.
So 6 years ago today I was anxiously waiting in my sister's living room in Memphis- talking to my friend Lynsey about the craziness of this whole situation. I confessed how I did worry that things would just be different in person and voiced all my scary "what ifs": specifically- what was I going to do if he got here and I just didn't "feel" it. He would be here for several days- so there was a lot of pressure. Lynsey, being the good friend she was said "If it's just not working, text me, and I will make up a story to get you out of there." Ha!
So honestly- that was the plan.
But when the door bell rang- I nervously went to answer it, opened it and within minutes I knew these next few days were at the very least- going to work out in my favor. =)
He was adorable- charming, funny, laid back, sensitive, but most of all he was himself. He was comfortable with who he was and that made me comfortable with him.
We ate dinner that night with my sister and brother in law. Then we walked around downtown Memphis and talked for a long time just sharing and being with one another. BEST.NIGHT.EVER.
I remember going to bed that night thinking- " I am so glad the Lord is sovereign- that He has not always given me what I wanted, when I wanted it. I am so thankful that I have not lowered my expectations for what I want in a husband- because it is realistic to find one who does truly love the Lord and who is man enough to lead me and display the Gospel to me."
The next few days we went to the zoo, coffee shops, watched movies, had a picnic, went grocery shopping, and even made dinner together one night and then it was time for him to go back to Texas. I knew as we said goodbye that day that this was it- he was the one. He was everything I had thought and soo much more.
Long story short we began having serious relationship conversations as soon as he got back and marriage quickly came up. He came back a few weeks later to meet my family and then I went to meet his family during Easter break. I also went and met his friends in Texas and just fell in love with them as well.
By the end of May I felt like the Lord gave me the go ahead to transfer to Southwestern Seminary where Jason was at. So I moved- and 10 long months later he finally proposed and we got married in 3 short months after that.
Six years later we have the real deal. My marriage to Jason has been by far the instrument the Lord has used to sanctify my heart most. Jason, on a regular basis, shows me Christ. And he does it in the softest ways- he is a true servant to me- and to our almost 6 month old baby Silas. One day I will write about how he shows me Christ.
So there ya go- a short version of how the Herrington family began.

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